> FLOWERS: 2010

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Most Beautiful but Deadly Flowers in The World

Beautiful as they may be, some flowers are much more than they appear to be. Believe it or not, these seemingly harmless plants can really ruin your vacation. To help you know what flowers to stay away from on your trips, we’ve come up with a list of the world’s most attractive but dangerous flowers:
1. Daphne
Also known as lady laurel or paradise plant, Daphne is a 1-1.5 meters tall shrub, usually grown for its scented flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but the greatest concentrations are in the sap and berries.
Daphne contains mezerine and daphnin, two powerful toxins that cause stomach aches, headaches, diarrhea, delirium and convulsions. If Daphne berries are consumed, the victim might fall into a coma and even die.
2. Lily of the Valley
Just like the Daphne, Lily of the Valley may look beautiful and harmless, but it is entirely poisonous. Eating one or two of the plant’s bell-shaped flowers won’t hurt you very much, especially if you’re an adult.
Eaten in large quantities, Lily of the Valley causes pain in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. People with heart conditions should be most careful since the toxins cause the heartbeats to slow down or become irregular.
3. Belladonna
Known as one of the most poisonous plants in the Western hemisphere, Belladonna contains potentially lethal tropane alkaloids. The entire plant is harmful, but its good-looking berries pose the most danger, especially to kids.
The symptoms of Belladona, or Deadly Nightshade poisoning are dilated pupils, blurred vision, headaches, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions. Atropine, the toxin contained by Belladona, can kill a person by disrupting the nervous system’s ability to regulate breathing, sweating and heart rate.
4. Angel’s Trumpet
Despite its name, there’s something very evil about this plant. The toxins it contains can be fatal to humans and a number of animals. Known as a powerful hallucinogen, Angel’s Trumpet should not be used for recreational purposes, since the risk of an overdose is very high.
Angel’s Trumpet plants contain a variable amount of tropane alkaloids, like atropine and scopolamine, and it is used in shamanic rituals by indigenous tribes in western Amazonia.
5. Rhododendron
This popular evergreen shrub, featuring large, beautiful blooms, has been known for its toxicity since ancient times. Xenophon recorded the odd behavior of a group of Greek soldiers who had eaten honey from rhododendron flowers.
Rhododendron contains andromedatoxin which causes nausea, severe pains, paralysis and even death. Azaleas, members of the same plant-family as rhododendron, are also poisonous.
6. Oleander
Oleander is known as one of the most poisonous plants on Earth, often used in suicidal cases around southern India. The numerous toxic compounds contained in the entire Oleander plant, including oleandrin and neriine, affect the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems, all at the same time.
Oleander poisoning leads to drowsiness, tremors, seizures, coma and even death. The plant’s sap causes skin irritation and severe eye inflammation.
7. Autumn crocus
One of the most endangered plants in the world, Autumn crocus is also probably the most poisonous. It contains colchicine, a deadly drug used effectively in the treatment for gout. Unlike other toxins found in the flowers above, colchicine, an arsenic-like poison has no antidote.
Autumn crocus poisoning leads to reduced blood pressure and cardiac arrest.

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Most expensive flowers in the world

The following five flowers are noteworthy for differing reasons, but each of them is in a class by itself as one of the most unusual, valuable, or distinct flowers from across the globe.

World’s Most Expensive Wedding Bouquet
When something is associated with a wedding, there’s usually a good chance someone has taken it to exceptionally impractical proportions and spent ridiculous sums of money in the process. This wedding bouquet that is now showcased at the Ruby Plaza in Vietnam is comprised of 90 gemstones, 9 diamonds, and 1 star shaped ruby and has been valued at $125,000. Wedding Bouquet

The $200,000 Orchid
In 2005 a group of Chinese scientists working on agricultural research grew an orchid that was purchased at auction by an anonymous buyer for an incredible 1.68 million yuan or right around $200,000 USD. This orchid was the result of eight years of efforts and represented a new and unique species, which accounted for its staggering price point.
The Orchid

The Legendary Flower
The Kadupul Flower begins blooming just before midnight and dies within a matter of hours. Because of its extremely short lifespan, even in its native Sri Lanka, the flower is rarely seen. The Kadupal Flower has been mythologized throughout history, and is referred to as the legendary flower of the Celestial Nagas. However, because of its ludicrously short lifespan the flower’s monetary value is pretty much nil.
Legendary Flower

17th Century Tulip Bulb
Considered the most expensive flower in history, the Semper Augustus was coveted for both its beauty and its scarcity. In 1637, the asking price was as high as 10,000 guilders, which, in addition to sounding old time-y and impressive, was enough money to have purchased “a grand home on the most fashionable canal in Amsterdam.”
17 Century Tulip Bulb

Cheap Flower With Expensive Taste
Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice by weight, and each pound of Saffron is the product of approximately 50,000 flowers. So although the flower itself is far from rare, it does yield a spice that can be sold for right around $1,000 a pound. If you do the math, the value of each flower that is used for saffron would be right around 2 cents, making this the most affordable bouquet on the list by about $125,000.Saffron